From the Director’s Desk

Our Summer Reading Program was a wonderful success. The summer was filled with story-times, crafts, movies, and special performers that drew quite the crowd! We’re excited to return to our usual programs and supporting our local community in their endeavors. We...

From the Director’s Desk

From the Director’s Desk Happy summer to everyone! Here at the library we’re getting ready to start our summer reading program. We’ve booked storytellers, a magician, and have many fun things planned for all ages. Starting in June will be our weekly...

Library 2022 Audit

For those who are interested, you are welcome to view the audit that was performed for the library concerning 2022. Past Board...

New Staff Announcement!

Join us in welcoming our new children’s librarian Matt Gibson! Our former children’s librarian, Bethany, has moved into the YA Librarian position. They are both excited to bring fun and engaging activities for kids and teens!